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Thursday 1 January 2015

Health benefits of MORINGA

The Moringa tree is one which is native to places with
tropical and subtropical climate like India, traffickers, and
some parts of America and Asia. The tree is nicknamed "The
miracle tree" because all it parts are known to have one
benefit or the other. The moringa contain a whooping 46
antioxidants and various other nutrients. Some of its benefits
to health are discussed below.
High Nutrients Content
The moringa has up about 90 nutrients which consist of, four
times more calcium than milk, four times more vitamin A
that carrots, twenty five time more iron than spinach. Its
antioxidants protects against cancer and other degenerative
Rich in protein content
The moringa seed is said to have high deposit of amino
acids including the eight that are essential and contain high
protein content. This can be used as an alternative to meat
by vegetarians. The protein also helps in the production of
enzymes and hormones as well as bone cartilages.
It beautifies and softens the skin
The high mineral content of the moringa can be used in skin
treatments. Grinded leaves can be mixed with creams and
lotions to nourish the skin. Nowadays, they are been used in
skin products.
It prevents blindness
Due to high presence of vitamin A, which is way much more
than that of carrots, it prevents blindness and its leaves can
be Chewed for better eye sight
It can be used as a water purifier
Moringa seeds when added to water purifies the water by
absorbing the impure substances present in the water.

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