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Wednesday 24 December 2014

top ten types of people you find in the village this xmas period

SO YOU’VE GONE/GOING home to your old village to spend Christmas with the parents.

Well, Watch Out Cause You Gotta See At Least One Of These People.

1: Old classmates: Oh, look who’s back too.(We all hear this statement when we meet old time pals.) After exchanging niceties you’ll spend the rest of the evening avoiding each other if they are after your pocket. Some of them are really cool to hang out with.

2. The old colleague: You worked with this person or s/he was your best man/woman during your school years, but haven’t spoken to them since last year, on Christmas Eve, because you always see them on Christmas Eve. No matter what you’ve been through, conversation will always come back to the other people you mutually worked with.

3: The Newscaster: The knows about everything, all relationships, all breakups, all marriages, abortions, and every single call your crush recieves, just name it. They know everything.

4: People Who Are Rearching For Their Missing Rib: These ones are easy to spot, it is written all over their them that they are not in the village for xmass. It can be seen from the way they dress, talk, greet rich folks etc.

5: People Who Try To Be And Live Like The People In Town: These ones are everywhere, they stay in the village but once it is xmass time they will try in every possible way to upgrade to the level of those that will come back from the city.

6: People Who do No Other Business Except Farming. I call them the real village people, these folks are quite, you hardly see them in joints. They only visit you in the evening when all the little ones have gone out. They will gist until late in the night then they will excuse themself to go and attend to one thing or the other.

7: People Who Are Not Bothered With High Standard Of Living: Pheww, I call these folks the Malaysian guys. They spend money like it grow on trees, they buy beer in crates, they carry the finest babes. You heart is darned if their kind fall for your girlfriend.

8: People Who Practice Witchcraft and Other Form Of Spiritualism And Divination: These ones wear rings and amulets to scare people, they always bragg about all the nothings they have done to people. They want people to respect and fear them.

9: The Gossipers: The only known different between these group and the Newscasters is that they spice their story with lies to make it more interesting; especially when the gist is in your favour or when you buy them drinks.

10: Add It

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