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Thursday 25 December 2014

sony relases north korea comedy despite threat


Sony, the Japanese-owned company, has released online The
Interview, the film that has angered North Korea and
prompted a cyberattack on the company.
The comedy was available for rent in the US from 18:00 GMT
on several online platforms, a day before a limited release in
hundreds of cinemas on Christmas Day.
Featuring Seth Rogen and James Franco, two American comic
actors, the film is a comedy about a CIA plot to assassinate
Kim Jong-un.
The film was available for rental on Google Inc’s YouTube site,
the Google Play application for Android devices and on a
dedicated website, Microsoft Corp and
Sony itself are also showing the comedy.
The film’s future had been in doubt after Sony said it was
cancelling the release after an embarrassing cyberattack on its
corporate network and threats against potential watchers.
The US has blamed the hack attack on North Korea, and
President Barack Obama has threatened reprisals.
North Korea denied responsibility for the hack attack and
issued its own threats against the US.
Sony also came under fire from Obama and free speech
advocates for pulling the film, and the studio quickly
performed an about-face.

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